Steps to
Your Plan
Don't Know Where to Begin?
Accessing Virtual Care and Functional Medicine can be confusing. We have made the process simple. Just review the steps below to gain a better understanding of how it works.

Step One- Intake For Virtual Care
Complete Intake Forms
Submit Information for Review
Receive Appointment for Virtual Care
The first step in working virtually with Dr. Mills is getting him up to speed on what your health problem is. To do this Dr. Mills needs the Functional Medicine Patient Survey and Functional Medicine Patient History filled out. You can find these forms by clicking Here.
If after reviewing this information Dr. Mills thinks he can help, an initial consultation will be set up. Most of the time this meeting is over the phone and the internet. In addition, Dr. Mills needs the last three years of your medical records, including all lab results and doctor notes.Dr. Mills will email you the documents he wants to go over with you over the phone.

Step Two- Functional Medicine Consult
Functional Medicine Review
Lab Recommendations
During this initial virtual care meeting Dr. Mills will discuss your history with you to make sure he understands what is going on. In order to get to the root of the problem, most patients need advanced functional medicine testing. Dr. Mills will explain the tests you need and answer any questions you have.
The kinds of testing needed varies greatly from patient to patient. Sometimes routine blood tests are all that is needed. For these kinds of routine tests, Dr. Mills will send you a blood work order for LabCorp, and you will take the order to a local LabCorp or draw facility and get the testing done. Advanced testing may involve stool, urine, blood, saliva or even cells from the mouth. These advanced tests are usually done through specialty labs. Often you will perform part of the test at home and then FedEx/UPS the test in the shipping supplies provided. Whatever the test, Dr. Mills will walk you through each test, and make sure everything is done right.

Step Three- Virtual Plan
Review Functional Medicine Plan
Supplement Recommendations
Dietary Recommendations
In this meeting Dr Mills will review your Functional Laboratory Report. Make evidence based and clinically sound recommendations that draw draw from his experience and specific to your needs, Dr. Mills will stay in contact with you to make sure things are going good. In most cases re-testing will be needed to ensure that the treatment is working.