What is
The Plan?
Dr. Mills's Functional Medicine Care Plan features a biochemically individualized, patient-centered approach to your health concerns. Designed specific to your needs to help you get hold of your health, starting today!
Approach Methods
You want a doctor to listen intently to you. You want a doctor to be honest, and if you can be best helped somewhere else, refer you to the appropriate professional. You want a doctor to honor you by explaining, to your satisfaction, what your problem is and the best treatment options.
You don’t want a cookie cutter approach to care. You want a doctor who is just as concerned about saving you money as you are. You want the doctor to treat you exactly like he or she would want to be treated. How’s that? This is what I strive to do with each and every patient.
Objective Diagnostic Testing
I don’t guess about your health. I want to give my patients answers that are based on the best of science.
Treats Root Causes
I don’t treat diseases. What caused your health problem is what I’m interested in.
Non-Drug Approach
I never prescribe drugs as part of a patient’s treatment. I will educate you about your drugs, but I leave decisions about taking them up to you and your doctor.
Nutrition Based
Treatment recommendations consist of lifestyle, diet and specific nutrients based upon objective testing.
Personal Care
My patients are treated with kindness, compassion, respect and honesty. Besides helping my patients physically I want to bring a little joy into their lives.
Individualized Treatment Plan
No two people are the same. No two treatment plans are the same. My patients get the treatment that is best for them.
Addresses Total Body Systems
Everything is connected. I take into account emotions, diet, lifestyle and all of the body systems when I’m working with a patient.
Focuses on Long-Term Healing & Health
Finding the underlying problems that are causing your symptoms will help in the short term, but the goal is to get my patients truly healthy so they live a long healthy life.

Let’s face it. Sometimes a doctor and a patient just aren’t a great fit. I’d like to help you figure out if I’m the right doc for you by explaining some things patients who love me have is common.
There is a broad range of things my patients have come to me for. All sorts of intestinal problems, autoimmune diseases, fatigue, chronic infections, hormone imbalances, mental and emotional problems, fibromyalgia, headaches, back and neck pain are the kinds of problems I’ve help patients with. If you don’t see what you’re looking for feel free to ask me.
Pretty much all of my patients have sought me out because they were frustrated with the standard medical approach to their health issues. They either have been to many of doctors or have heard the stories and are not interested in going the traditional medical route.
My patients are actually relieved to find that there is objective scientific testing that can get to the bottom of their problem. Even if their insurance will not cover the cost these tests my patients feel thankful to finally get some answers to their problems through my virtual care services.
What is Virtual Care?
Virtual Care
I can hear you, “Hey, how can you fix my back over the internet?”
That is a great question, and you’re right, I can’t physically fix your back without getting my hands on you. It is very frustrating for me when I know that if I could just see the patient in person, I could fix his/her problem. Issues with muscles, joints and fascia require a hands-on approach. Often though, I can direct people to someone in their area who can provide the kind of care they need. I don’t charge anything for this kind of help, and I sincerely enjoy helping people. So please contact me with any questions you have, and I will do my best to help you.
However, for difficulties other than musculoskeletal ones, I am often able to help patients who are not physically able to come to my office. Of course there are exceptions, and I can’t help every long distance patient, but it is surprising just how much we are able to help patients who don’t live nearby. This kind of care is called “virtual care.”
The first step in working virtually with Dr. Mills is getting him up to speed on what your health problem is. To do this Dr. Mills needs the Functional Medicine Patient Symptom Survey and Functional Medicine Patient History filled out. You can find these forms Here. In addition, Dr. Mills needs the last three years of your medical records, including all lab results and doctor notes.
If after reviewing this information Dr. Mills thinks he can help, an initial consultation will be set up. Most of the time this meeting is over the phone and the internet. Dr. Mills will email you the documents he wants to go over with you over the phone. During this initial meeting Dr. Mills will discuss your history with you to make sure he understands what is going on. In order to get to the root of the problem, most patients need advanced functional medicine testing. Dr. Mills will explain the tests you need and answer any questions you have.
The kinds of testing needed varies greatly from patient to patient. Sometimes routine blood tests are all that is needed. For these kinds of routine tests, Dr. Mills will send you a blood work order for LabCorp, and you will take the order to a local LabCorp or draw facility and get the testing done. Advanced testing may involve stool, urine, blood, saliva or even cells from the mouth. These advanced tests are usually done through specialty labs. Often you will perform part of the test at home and then FedEx/UPS the test in the shipping supplies provided. Whatever the test, Dr. Mills’s staff will walk you through each test, and make sure everything is done right.
Once the test results are in, Dr. Mills will meet with you virtually. Dr. Mills will provide you with a detailed report explaining the test results and treatment. Treatment will include diet, lifestyle, supplements, and if necessary, a referral for any other investigation or therapy that Dr. Mills cannot provide.
Once treatment begins, Dr. Mills will stay in contact with you to make sure things are going good. In most cases re-testing will be needed to ensure that the treatment is working.